Connecting the Dots
between patient care, community needs,
and policy changes shaping the health of
Fauquier and Rappahannock.
and policy changes shaping the health of
Fauquier and Rappahannock.
Clinic ModernizationWe updated patient data to an
Electronic Health Records system for added security + convenience. |
Investing in Patient Mental HealthOur innovative mental health system is
attracting attention statewide and beyond. Utilization of the Free Clinic’s mental health services continued to grow by 12% between 2017 and 2018. |
In 2018 Virginia became the 33rd state to adopt an expansion of Medicaid coverage for low-income adults. During the past year our Board of Directors and our clinic team invested a huge effort into looking at how these changes could affect our community and the patients we serve.
We found that a majority of our patients should be able to access this coverage starting in 2019, and furthermore that few local primary care providers have capacity to absorb them into their practices. Therefore we have begun the hard work of becoming credentialed Medicaid providers ourselves at the Free Clinic. |